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北京中医药大学JBI循证护理合作中心(Joanna Briggs Institute Center of Excellence of BUCM)


  澳大利亚Joanna Briggs InstituteJBI)循证卫生保健研究中心是目前全球最大的推广循证护理的机构。在全球已经拥有80多个合作中心、服务于90多个国家,是一个公认的全球性的循证保健的领导者。



  Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Evidence-based health care center is one of the world's largest evidence-based health care collaboration networks. The Institute collaborates internationally with over 80 entities across the world. The Institute and its collaborating entities promote and support the synthesis, transfer and utilization of evidence through identifying feasible, appropriate, meaningful and effective healthcare practices to assist in the improvement of healthcare outcomes globally.

  After a global review in 2015, our university was approved to be the third collaboration center in mainland China and the first evidence based nursing cooperation center focused on traditional Chinese nursing in the world. With 1 director and 1 secretary of the center, our team members consist of full-time teachers in nursing school and front-line clinical nursing backbone.

  Under the guidance of JBI, our center’s work contains: translating the summary of evidence according to the conceptual framework of JBI's evidence-based nursing practice and apply it to clinical nursing and education teaching after localization; carrying out evidence evaluation and integration of TCM nursing interventions based on the methodology of JBI system review.conducting evidence application project. With JBI systematic review methodology and integrating the evidences of traditional Chinese nursing interventions, traditional Chinese nursing evidence will be disseminated worldwide. Meanwhile, the world's best nursing evidence will be introduced to guide domestic clinical nursing practice and nursing education.